At that time the seed was definitely sown in my brain unknown to me! I knew there was no way I could ever do it. 1, I never did any exercise. 2, I ate the biggest amount of rubbish and ate for the sake of eating, not because I was hungry but, just because it comforted me and finally.........3, it would kill me!
Roll on the to the 1st of August 2011 the day my life changed. I signed up to bootcamp and almost killed myself all in the space of one hour! But, that little seed that had been planted months before, well, it started to sprout and grow. Maybe one day I could complete in Tough Mudder and this new bunch of "crazies" I met that night may just be the ones I needed to help me achieve this! Seeing these girls battle to complete the first challenges I knew they would love the thought of the challenge as much as I did. Only thing was I had to complete one last step.....................I had to actually talk to them all. At that time my confidence was at an all time low. I was at my heaviest ever weight and struggled to do anything let alone open myself up to ridicule if they didn't like me or, like school at school was the one that was always on the outside looking in.
I have no idea why I was worried! The whole group just gelled. Like a strange, crazy, no normal people allowed family. These girls were what kept me going. The day when I struggled to run the length of the hall, they were the ones cheering me on. When I was about to collapse and be sick they were the ones telling me to puke and get back on it. Just like on my first 10k when they were there at the start line telling me I could do it and then cheering me on the last stretch getting me through the finish! You see I wouldn't want to compete in an event like Tough Mudder with anyone but this crazy, mad group of nutters. Because, you see I know with these ladies I will get round it because, the minute I doubt I can't or say I can't they will be there telling me to Man Up and stop whining.
I can still remember the look some of them gave me when I fist brought up Tough Mudder. Well most did apart from two.................the ones I knew would do it from the start Kim and Simone. Two of the fittest ladies I know and the ones I always tried to keep up with in challenges!
The night we signed up for the challenge was the night of no return. Watching the videos on YouTube was like a form of torture but I just couldn't stop! It's like an addiction, just like facebook. But, the more I watched the more I couldn't wait to do it. So if I was going to sign up to something that could possibly just kill me I was going to do it for a good cause. Trying to pick what charities to do it for one something I struggled with. There are so many worthy causes out there but it was someone telling me to choose something close to my heart that made the decision easier. Anthony Nolan and Leukaemia Research are two causes that are forever prevalent in my life so the decision was made.
I just had no idea how to get more people interested. Yet again I have no idea why I was worried. Each night I just kept bringing up Tough Mudder when we met and slowly but surely I could see interest in more of the girls. The cost was one main factor I know alot that were interested couldn't sign up it's definitely not a cheap event and not one that you couldn't do without being committed.
No turning back The Destroyers are born :) |
Roll on 8 months of training, hard work and crazy ideas.................The team has grown to 10 and one crazy supporter who, deep down I think wants to do it but her fear of mud and bugs is stopping her. Still wouldn't change her for the world. So The Destroyers are born Simone, Kim, Amanda, Susan, Barbara, Kath, Kirsty, Angeline, Donna, myself and of course Kelly. We may not finish fastest and it definitely won't be pretty but what I do know is we will start and finish as a team! So 3 weeks from today I will say thank you and will be proud of my girls because if it wasn't for them signing up and helping me train my challenge would never have started let alone be part complete. Love you all girlies and can't wait to celebrate on the finish line with you all xxx